Here is the formula which is used to calculate the current value of the flat.
p1 - Math.Abs(12 * (p5.Year - p4.Year) + p5.Month - p4.Month) * p2
The video shows how to add the monthly transactions to your ledger. Handling the first period is special because the new date and the new period is already in the ledger. Handling the second, third, etc. period is easier. Here is a small summary.
- Download the balance files, history files and statement files
- Cash account history and balance must be created manually
- "Dates" tab / "Insert row into Dates and change the dates in the Period tab" button
- "Accounts" tab / "Import all active accounts" button
- "Transactions" tab / set the categories
- "Instruments" tab / "Extract the price data, set all prices, insert rows for time and period" button
- add rows to "Historic prices"
- add rows to "Account balance filemanes"
- add rows to "Account history filemanes"
- add row to "Periods"
- "Accounts" tab / Refresh Lc and bank balances" button
- check the "Difference" column
- "Periods" tab / check the "Difference", "Period borders coincide", "Own transactions" columns