Log file with locale and English messages
Introduction The Lc gui displays strings (messages) in the local language but the log file should contain bot…
Introduction The Lc gui displays strings (messages) in the local language but the log file should contain bot…
Sites like google and github offers to use passkey instead of the traditional user name and password pair. Th…
The original Transaction type hints is extended. Error in the video: The maximum length of the hint is 75 c…
The ClickOnce technology updates Ledger commander but it does not update the prerequisite of the program. .NE…
The previous post has shown how to create a ToolTip with hyperlink in WPF. <DataGridTextColumn Binding=…
I created a post about " Capital gains tax percentage " and decided there should be a link to this …
Ledger commander requires "MS Sql server express LocalDB" which is installed together with Lc. If L…
A munkanélküli segély célja, hogy pénzügyi biztonságot nyújtson azok számára, akik váratlanul elveszÃtették á…
The last post was about accounting bond with interest. At the end, it contained a little cheating. For simpl…
Unfortunately, there was not enough memory in the laptop, so the program was sluggish, sorry about that. Simi…
If you want to participate in the evaluation of Ledger commander then you can use the promotion code "Ev…
Here is the formula which is used to calculate the current value of the flat. p1 - Math.Abs(12 * (p5.Y…
If you already have a ledger and you buy a house or flat now then it is obvious how much does it cost. If you…
I detected two problems with the DataGrid . When a row is selected in the DataGrid and I press the Down key…
Sometime I feel some feature is missing but I did not articulated it yet. For example, if I press the "R…
It is nice if you add all your accounts and instruments to the ledger at the beginning. It can be challengi…
Available downloaders (they are all Hungarian internet banks) EletutHealthFundAccountBalanceDownloader Elet…